Both of these poems were written at UC Santa Cruz, where I study and live my happy life. Enjoy!
October 18, 2010
Take the time to notice the dandelion
smile to its rays of yellow
remember the sun, giver of life.
Imagine yourself as a flower
and sway and grow tall
and express the beautiful color of your soul
to the skies
no matter if the clouds pour sadness
strive, grow, share
be the dandelion
spread your rays of life
grin your living grin
and hold onto your roots as you leave the comforts of your home
courage, independence brings us to the world
say hello.
you are a dandelion
bright and independent
one of many, yet yourself.
November 12, 2010
He picks flowers for me
tuck-behind-the-ear flowers
kisses for thank you's
once, twice
hands held on walks
through trees
on paths
the hands and the paths
not the trees
they're all tall and big
like him
knowing himself
while I still wonder at my life
in wonder
and wonder who I am
wonderful life
I am me
with small hands
and a love of the flowers
hands, trees, life.
He picks happiness for me
big grins
happiness and contented smiles.
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